Bollywood superhero Hrithik Roshan is back to work on his movie ‘Bang Bang’ after a very physically and emotionally tedious period. Hrithik who had sustained a head injury during the shoot of this film had delayed it, as he had to undergo a brain surgery to remove the clot. Later he got separated from Sussanne his wife, was another reason for the delay.
According to sources, at present both Hrithik and Katrina have allotted bulk dates for the shoot of Bang Bang and the shooting schedule will go on for six weeks straight. The ‘Krrish 3′ actor recently arrived in hill station Shimla to resume the shooting for Siddharth Anand’s ‘Bang Bang’ opposite Katrina Kaif.
On the professional front the actor had a great year what with his superhero flick Krrish 3 being the second highest grosser of 2013, after Aamir Khan’s ‘Dhoom: 3′ and beating Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Chennai Expres’.