Hrithik Roshan, who recently the capital city, Delhi along with co-star Pooja Hegde to promote his upcoming film ‘Mohenjo Daro’ gave an impromptu gift to a girl fan on learning about it being her birthday. The ‘Mohenjo Daro’ team visited Gargi Girl’s College in Delhi on Friday. There was a frenzy when Hrithik reached the premises of the college. Both Hrithik and Pooja had a fun interaction with the college students present.
A few girls even joined Hrithik and Pooja on stage as they danced to the tunes of ‘Mohenjo Daro’. It was during this time that a girl fan told Hrithik that it was her birthday and expressed her wish to dance with the Superstar. On learning about the girl’s special day, Hrithik wished her and immediately got to shaking a leg with her on his much loved song, ‘Senorita’ from ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Doobara’.
The actor matched steps with the young girl while grooving with the young college girl. Hrithik’s sweet gesture, sure made the girl’s day who’s wish came true in an instant.
Ashutosh Gowariker’s ‘Mohenjo Daro’ is an action-romance set in the prehistoric Era of ‘Mohenjo Daro’.
Also Check: Pics: Hrithik Roshan and Pooja Hegde promote ‘Mohenjo Daro’ at a college in Delhi