Bollywood actress Vidya Balan created a storm when she opted out of doing Sujoy Ghosh’s next film ‘Durga Rani Singh’, rumours have been abuzz that the actor is pregnant. Later she added fuel to the fire by opting out of Mohit Suri’s Hamari Adhuri Kahani as the film was taking its time to roll.
As per sources, Vidya has put all rumours to rest by clarifying that she is very much doing Hamari Adhuri Kahani. She has taken a bit of a break to sort out certain heath issues that have been troubling her for the past few months. Vidya also decided to give IIFA a miss as travelling to Florida would have exhausted her further. Vidya categorically stated that she is not ready for pregnancy yet as being responsible for another human life is daunting.
She said, “I am not ready to share Siddharth with anybody yet.”