Tusshar Kapoor became father to son Laksshya in 2016, who was born via surrogacy. In a recent exclusive interview with Bollywood Bubble, Tusshar spilled the beans on choosing surrogacy, son Laksshya and a lot more. During the candid conversation, Tusshar also shared that he is open to the idea of getting married.
Tusshar reveals he is open to finding a life partner
The actor told us, “I am still open to the idea of getting married. I am never against it. I think it’s a wonderful institution and millions and millions of people have found true happiness through marriage. And though a lot of marriages are falling apart today, there are tons of them that are working it out also through their challenges and through the highs and lows of it.”

Tusshar added, “So, there’s no black and white to this question. But if it hasn’t happened so far and if I am doing ok as a father then I’m not really missing out on anything. I don’t feel like I need to get married but if it happens, so be it.”
Tusshar Kapoor opens up on surrogacy
Tusshar is currently enjoying his life to the fullest as a single father. During the conversation, he opened up on choosing surrogacy and the nervousness he felt at that time. The actor shared, “There were times when I was a bit anxious about what would be the reactions from the film line, the audience, fans and society in general.“
He added, “It was positive nervous energy because I knew somewhere that it’s gonna be path breaking and that is always a positive thing when you do something out of the box and you kind of set a trend or you choose your own path, you are always appreciated. But in a society which is also very conservative at least on the outside, we may be very liberal on the inside but we are very conservative. We go by the norms. So, what would be the repercussions of that? It’s almost like shattering the socio-cultural fabric of the country. But it was legal.”
Tusshar went on to add, “The reactions were so positive. It just goes to show that India is very liberal. We are very rooted in our culture. Our traditions are very accepting.” The actor further added, “If you’re little frivolous, then people criticize you. If you’ve come with the right attitude, then people accept you.”
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