Two days prior to its release, Abhishek Chaubey’s ‘Udta Punjab‘ got leaked on the internet, stirring a bigger controversy. The leaked copy contained in itself a watermark which read “For Censor”. This indicated that it was confidentially meant only for the CBFC to watch. Many found it a sabotage from CBFC’s end to spoil the film’s business. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, on Friday, sent a team to visit CBFC’s office, reported a publication.
According to the report, the team was headed by Sanjay Murthy and they talked to all the staff present at the office, including the clerks. However, no official investigation has been initiated yet and this visit was just to bring some more clarity in facts.
“Joint secretary Murthy and his team arrived at the CBFC office on Friday afternoon. They left only around 7 pm. During their visit they questioned everyone in the office including the clerks,” a source was quoted in the report.
Previously, CBFC had landed itself amidst controversies after they demanded 89 cuts and over 10 major changes in the film. However, Bombay High Court later allowed to release with one single cut.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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