
This one is from shooting diaries of ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’. So the director of this film, Imtiaz Ali, is apparently a big foodie and while shooting this film at international locations, he used to explore food. Couple of times, Imtiaz invited SRK for his explorations and you wouldn’t believe what the filmmaker made the superstar eat. In his recent media interaction, SRK shed some light over this.

SRK revealed, “After we used to finish our shoot in the evening, at first he (Imtiaz) used to be a bit pulled back, but then in the evening he would ask if I wanted to join him as he found a really good restaurant.” But it was not that easy for Shah Rukh as Imtiaz would make him “walk like anything, in between small roads. He (Imtiaz) takes you to this small place and says, ‘Sir, this is it’. And, I didn’t know how he has found it — really nice food, really different kind. I had never had this kind of food, but out of love for him I would eat it.”


But what came next is surprising and indeed shocking. Shah Rukh further stated, “One or two times, he has made me have some weird seafood dish, which I later realised what it was, and was really scared. Why did I eat it? Don’t know, something like a snail or something. I don’t want to, I didn’t know and I ate it.” This made us cringe a bit. Snail, really? (Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan revealed that the story of ‘JHMS’ was initially about a suicidal man)

Anyway talking about ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’, the film is slated to release on August 4. Shah Rukh Khan plays a tour guide in this film and he would be at service of Anushka Sharma aka Sejal in this film.