Following the unique strategy of travelling in a train from Mumbai to Delhi, superstar Shah Rukh Khan‘s much-anticipated film ‘Raees‘ has finally released today. Though the film has received mixed reviews from the critics, his fans are loving it. Following the post-release promotions, SRK made his way to celebrate the Republic Day with the Indian Army.
Shah Rukh Khan was in a happy mood when he arrived at the venue. And known to be a complete entertainer, SRK joined the dancers in the program and did a perfect bhangra dance with them.
Shah Rukh took to his Instagram account to share a video of his dance session with the jawans. He captioned this video as, “Celebrating the Republic Day with army jawans full Punjabi style. Thank u AajTak.” [sic]
Also Read: Hrithik Roshan and Shah Rukh Khan wish each other luck for their films
Have a look at this dance video of SRK here:
Here’s another video where SRK is seen dancing with the army jawans. Have a look:
Dancing with joy because all of u are loving Raees. Tonight with the Jawans on Aaj Tak & India Today at 8pm. With Anjana Kashyap my fav.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) January 25, 2017
Indeed, looking at his happiness, he seems to be quite elated with the positive public response that his film has received.
Don’t you think so?
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Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.