After a long delay owing to the pandemic, Kiara Advani’s ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ is amongst the first big banner projects headlined by an A-lister to hit the silver screen. The elated actress expressed her happiness by sharing the trailer on social media. The film has been directed by Abir Sengupta, who became famous for the fantastic ‘Soul Sathi’. He spoke recently to Bollywood Bubble about both the projects. Have a look at the candid chats right here:
The trailer traces the journey of a heartbroken Indoo played by Kiara Advani, who explores online dating to move on and lands in a mad, interesting, coup resulted by the entry of the wrong guy! Check out the trailer right here:
Filled with comic moments and exemplary exhibition of entertaining dose, Kiara Advani’s ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ is a perfect treat for the big screen. Riding the film on her shoulders, Kiara Advani is ready to help multiplexes, trying her luck with the ambiguous nature of cinema halls across the nation.
‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ is a coming-of-age comedy film, featuring Kiara Advani in the titular role of a feisty girl from Ghaziabad whose left and right swipes on dating app results in hilarious chaos. The film also stars Aditya Seal as the main lead. Check out our interview with Aditya Seal right here:
September witnessed the release of Kiara’s song ‘Hasina Pagal Deewani’ from the film which created a storm on social media in no time, turning an instant chartbuster. Apart from ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’, Kiara Advani is currently working on ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’ along with Kartik Aaryan as well as ‘Jug Jugg Jeeyo’ co-starring Varun Dhawan, the first look of which has got the audience buzzing.
Also Read: ‘Kabir Singh Ki Bandi’ Kiara Advani’s next film ‘Indoo Ki Jawani’ begins rolling in Lucknow
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