Madhur Bhandarkar’s upcoming film ‘Indu Sarkar’ has seen the toughest of times. First it ran in trouble with CBFC and then we had political parties protesting against the release of the film. The situation got so intense that the star cast of the film had to lock themselves inside the hotel rooms because there were protesters from political parties protesting outside their hotel, during the Pune promotional schedule.
Following this, the promotions in Nagpur had to be cancelled. Later, a lady moved to the High Court requesting to put a stay on this film. This lady claimed to be the biological daughter of Sanjay Gandhi and stated that this film is “full of concocted facts and is totally derogatory”. The matter was put forth before a three-judge bench committee headed by Justice Dipak Misra, but later, High Court rejected her plea and gave a green signal to ‘Indu Sarkar’. The lady then moved to Supreme Court with her petition. Much to the delight of the makers, the Supreme Court too has rejected her plea.
Neil Nitin Mukesh, who essays a pivotal role in the film, took to his Twitter handle to share this news. He tweeted, “#InduSarkar cleared by Supreme court …. ??…. See you in the theatres …Tomorrow !!” [sic]
The makers can now heave a sigh of relief. (Also Read: ‘Indu Sarkar’: Madhur Bandarkar upset with selective activism of Bollywood)
‘Indu Sarkar’ is based in the era of emergency and brings out the ugly side of politics. Kirti Kulhari, Neil Nitin Mukesh, Anupam Kher and many others have a pivotal role to play in this film. Directed by Madhur Bhandarkar, it is slated to release on July 28, 2017. It will be clashing with Arjun Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, Athiya Shetty and Ileana D’Cruz’s comedy film ‘Mubarakan’, and Kunal Kapoor, Mohit Marwah and Amit Sadh’s film ‘Raag Desh’.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.