Bollywood’s heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor celebrated his 36th birthday yesterday in the company of his family, friends and of course his beloved girlfriend Alia Bhatt. The birthday party was an intimate affair with few of Ranbir’s very close friend turning up to celebrate the occasion.
Alia Bhatt wished her boyfriend Ranbir on his birthday by posting a very lovely message on a photo-sharing site. The ‘Raazi’ actress wrote, “Happy Birthday Sunshine”
And that was not all, as the loving and caring girlfriend also made sure to treat the birthday boy with a cake that she specially baked for him. The pictures of Alia preparing the birthday cake for Ranbir have taken the internet by storm. Alia baked a delicious vanilla sponge cake with pastry cream and pineapple. You can check out her pictures here:
Aww…that’s so sweet of Alia? Don’t you guys agree?
And here you can check out the inside pictures of the birthday bash which was attended by Varun Dhawan’s filmmaker brother Rohit Dhawan, Juno Chopra, Binoy Gandhi amongst others.
Earlier in the day, Alia’s mother Soni Razdan wished Ranbir by posting, “Happy Birthday Rockstar ! In that vein wish you rocking year and a fabulous day”. She shared a picture in which she along with Alia, Ranbir and his mother were seen smiling for the camera.
Well, it looks like the Jr. Kapoor had a blast celebrating his special day amidst the closest people in his life and Alia made sure to make her boyfriend’s birthday even more special.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt makes it official with Ranbir Kapoor with this birthday wish for him
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