Bollywood’s self confessed fashionista actress Sonam Kapoor, had debuted in industry with Sanjay Leela Bhansali ‘Saawariyan’ opposite Ranbir Kapoor. The movie did not fare well at the Box Office but the star cast was welcomed with open arms by Bollywood Fraternity. Sonam received accolades for her ‘Raanjhana’ and at present is stepping into the shoes of Rekha in the ‘Khoobsurat’ remake. She would be seen reprising the role of Manju Dayal in Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s 1980 classic.
As per sources, Sonam Kapoor said, the legendary actress has always been her inspiration throughout her career. “I am a big fan of Rekhaji. She has always been my inspiration throughout my career. She’s an inspiration for every actress in the industry. I had watched Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s ‘Khoobsurat’ and other films as well.”
Well it remains to be seen if Sonam will manage to do as good a job as Rekha had done in the original.