Shahrukh Khan on Facebook

For the first time Shahrukh Khan and Director Rohit Shetty will interact with his fans directly in 14th August at 9pm, through his official page can ask them anything about the movie that is breaking all the records.


“I am very happy that I will chat with my fans directly through Facebook live chat”,said King Khan.Guess the actor wants to Thank the audiences and make them feel special in return of their love for his movie.This would be a golden opportunity for his millions of fans to interact one to one with their Baadshah.

Shahrukh expressed his excitement by saying,“I look forward to connecting and chatting with all my fans on the Facebook Live Chat. I’m really excited about sharing my experiences while shooting Chennai Express and would love to answer questions about the movie and other things people may wish to ask. It’s going to be a lot of fun on Facebook, so Ready, Steady, Po!”