The posters of Ranveer Singh featuring as Alauddin Khilji from Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s film ‘Padmavati’ has left everyone stumped. The man has shocked one and all by drenching himself completely into his character. Ruthless and fierce, Ranveer’s character in this film can surely give you shivers. And we must say that it was not easy for him to portray this role. Last we had reported how he isolated himself in order to get into his character and how he underwent excruciating physical training to look like the dreaded king.
Now we have learnt that music played an important role to bring out the Alauddin in Ranveer. Reports state that Ranveer used to listen to music day and night to get into his character and he had a special playlist. His spot boy supposedly used to walk with speakers in hand and music would accompany him throughout the time he was travelling, dressing up for the shoot and till Ranveer is ready to give his shot. He also made a special playlist that suited well to the emotions of Alauddin Khilji and his playlist included songs from musicians including Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and Hans Zimmer.
“I believe that music is what feelings sound like. I’m musically inclined and as such I am sensitive to the emotions embedded in various pieces of music. I feel at some level music has the power to cue my emotions. It is an integral part of my acting process,” says Ranveer. (Also Check: Oh no, it’s gone! Ranveer Singh chops off his Khilji moustache and beard, live on Instagram)
‘Padmavati’ is slated to release on December 1.
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.