A few days ago, actor Irrfan Khan was spotted at the Mumbai airport. He was coming back from his treatment in London. Though he tried to not get clicked, we spotted him. Today, he was papped while he arrived at Dinesh Vijan’s production house Maddock Films. He covered his face with a handkerchief but we saw his half-covered face. This has given us a hint that Irrfan might have been in the production house for a meeting with the producer. He might soon start the shoot of ‘Hindi Medium’ sequel.
For the unversed, ‘Hindi Medium’ was produced by Maddock Films and it starred Irrfan Khan and Pakistani actress Saba Qamar. It received a great response from the critics and audiences. The movie was also released in China.
A few days ago, actor-filmmaker Tigmanshu Dhulia told Deccan Chronicle, “I did meet him (Irrfan Khan) after he returned to India. He is perfectly fine now. Irrfan told me that he will begin shooting for ‘Hindi Medium’ franchise soon.”
Asian Age also quoted a source saying that Irrfan will be a part of ‘Hindi Medium’ sequel.
Here are the pictures.
It came as a shock to every one of us when Irrfan announced the news of his cancer last year in March. He was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer i.e neuroendocrine tumour.
We will be happy to see Irrfan Khan back on screen. What about you?
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Also Read: Irrfan Khan spotted at Mumbai airport, avoids paparazzi – view photos