Hrithik Roshan Sonam kapoor dheere se video

Bollywood’s Greek God Hrithik Roshan recently shot special video song ‘Dheere dheere se’ from Aashiqui with Sonam Kapoor, the movie that had released in 1990’s. Aashiqui that starred Rahul Roy and Anu Agarwal went on to be a huge hit then, it’s songs are even today a hot favorite of youngsters.


Then came Aashiqui 2, that had the gorgeous beauty Shraddha kapoor being romanced by the handsome Aditya Roy Kapur. This too went on to be a rage , with the songs topping the charts. Aashiqui 2 went beyond the original with its music. Now we hear Aashiqui 3 is in the offing with Hrithik Roshan in the lead.

Sources said, there are rumours that Hrithik Roshan might act in ‘Ashiqui 3’, if that happens we are quite sure that it will be a hat trick for the Bhatt’s as this film too will rule the roost.

So all you Hrithik Roshan fans what do you think about thsi idea of Hrithik Roshan in ‘Aashiqui 3’.

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