Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor broke a number of hearts, when news of his engagement to Delhi girl Mira Rajput hit the headlines. The news was later confirmed by the ‘Haider’ actor. Shahid Kapoor finally acknowledged his relationship with Delhi girl Mira Rajput. He said, “I am not engaged, but what you have been reading is kind of true. Marriage is on the cards sometimes towards the end of the year and I think that’s all I can say.”


Shahid Kapoor has not revealed anything much about his fiancee. On the other hand the Mira was not happy that details of her personal life has gone public, thanks to one of her friends with whom she had shared the secret. But now her Face Book profile has been converted to a page, where you can get all the updates about Shahid’s love by just liking it, Shahid too has liked the page.

Recently a picture posted by Mira has created a buzz. The picture in question has her dressed in a traditional attire. Shahid Kapoor fans are wondering whether the picture is from the Roka ceremony .

Shahid Kapoor-Mira
Is this picture of Shahid Kapoor-Mira’s ‘Roka’?

Mira has also thanked Shahid’s fans for showering her with so much love. She has posted some pictures sent by fans that have her and Shahid’s picture merged together.

Shahid Kapoor-Mira
Is this picture of Shahid Kapoor-Mira’s ‘Roka’?

They do look cute together.