ishaan janhvi puppy

Bollywood newbies Ishaan Khatter and Janhvi Kapoor are going out and about to promote their debut film, titled ‘Dhadak’. After visiting various cities of India, the two cuties recently visited the sets of a reality show, ‘India’s best dramebaaz’. Janhvi and Ishaan were welcomed with immense love on the sets by the makers and audiences of the show.


Apparently, the makers of the reality show were so happy that they even gifted Janhvi (Parthavi) Ishaan (Madhukar), a puppy. By puppy, we mean, a literal puppy. The two actors were enlighted by the gesture and decided to take the puppy along with them. Post their exit from the show, Janhvi and Ishaan recorded a video, giving us a glimpse of their furry friend.

At the end of the video, the two actors can be seen asking everyone to suggest a name for their friend. The video was shared by Dharma Productions on their official Instagram handle with a caption,”Most people say, it’s rare that during promotions there’s a moment so real that it stays with you for life. We strongly disagree. Yesterday @janhvikapoor& @ishaan95 visited the set of India’s Best Draamebaaz and were showered with love and surprised with a ‘puppy’. A literal puppy! A moment for TV became a moment in the lives of Madhukar and Parthavi. Ishaan & Janhvi fell in love with this little wonder and decided to take him home. The yet-to-be-named ‘Labrador’ is at his new home today with his older siblings – two feisty cats and we find that just paww-dorable!? #Dhadak.” (sic)

Check out the video here:

Most people say, it’s rare that during promotions there’s a moment so real that it stays with you for life. We strongly disagree. Yesterday @janhvikapoor & @ishaan95 visited the set of India’s Best Draamebaaz and were showered with love and surprised with a ‘puppy’. A literal puppy! A moment for TV, became a moment in the lives of Madhukar and Parthavi. Ishaan & Janhvi fell in love with this little wonder and decided to take him home. The yet-to-be-named ‘Labrador’ is at his new home today with his older siblings – two feisty cats and we find that just paww-dorable!? #Dhadak . . . . #janhvikapoor #ishaankhatter #ishaan #janhvi #film #promotion #puppy #doggo #bollywood #dogs #instacute #instalove

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The little lab is definitely paww-dorable, isn’t he? By the time we figure out a cutesy name for this little one, do pour in suggestions as well.

‘Dhadak’ directed by Shashank Khaitan, will hit the silver screens on July 20.