The charming actor, Shahid Kapoor (who has crafted a special place for himself in the glamour world of Bollywood) had marked his big Bollywood debut with the film ‘Ishq Vishq’ . Ever since then, the actor is rising on the ladder of success. Shahid’s brother Ishaan Khatter, who stunned everyone with his debut performance in ‘Dhadak’, is gearing up for another project. Apparently, Ishaan is set to follow the footsteps of Shahid with the sequel of ‘Ishq Vishq’.
Reportedly, the makers who have been planning for the sequel of ‘Ishq Vishq’ since few years are considering Ishaan Khatter to portray the role of the main lead in the film. Talking about the much-awaited sequel and the young actor, a source has informed Pinkvilla that, “The makers are currently working on the script for the movie. ‘Ishq Vishq’ was very young in nature, and hence, who better than ‘Ishaan Khatter’, who exhibits the required charm and innocence for the role. Apparently, the idea has been discussed with Ishaan but that’s it.”
The reports also suggest that the makers are currently working on the script of the film. It is said to be directed by Ramesh Taurani. However, an official announcement is yet to be made by the makers of ‘Ishq Vishq’ sequel.
On the professional front, Ishaan had marked his acting debut with Majid Majidi’s film ‘Beyond The Clouds’. Later, he appeared in Karan Johar’s film ‘Dhadak’ which also starred Janhvi Kapoor in the main lead. While the actor is yet to comment on his upcoming project, his fans are already excited about the speculations of ‘Ishq Vishq’ sequel.
Also Read: Awkward: Ishaan Khatter’s encounter with a fan at a urinal will leave you in splits
Journalist by profession, having roots in Bollywood & Television. Perennially hungry for all thing Fashion. A good listener and attracted by the glitter of glamour world. I believe in maniacs…. Love, Smile & Blossom.
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