Entire Bollywood is mourning legendary actress, Sridevi’s death. She suffered a cardiac arrest while in Dubai and breathed her last. Everyone is finding it difficult to digest the fact that she is no more with us and today’s date would be remembered by all. On the other side, it is Shahid Kapoor’s birthday today. But even the birthday boy is mourning her demise.
He took to Twitter to thank everyone for warm wishes but said that today is the day to remember Sridevi. He tweeted,
Want to sincerely thank you all for your wishes. But today is the day to remember Srideviji. To remember her for her brilliance and the magic she brought into our lives. All our love and wishes must be for her today. May she rest in peace.
— Shahid Kapoor (@shahidkapoor) February 25, 2018
May her soul rest in peace. Her untimely demise has created a void in Bollywood that can never be filled. Here are a few pictures of Sridevi with her family before she left for her heavenly abode. (Also Read: JUST IN: Sridevi’s mortal remains to arrive tomorrow, family releases an official statement)
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.