Released last year, Pawan Kripalani’s ‘Phobia’ garnered positive response from the critics as well as the audience. The film was a psychological thriller in its true sense and probably rejuvenated the genre in Bollywood. A year later, Kripalani is now set to come up with ‘Phobia’ 2.
Producer Viki Rajani who backed ‘Phobia’, will produce the sequel as well. ” ‘Phobia 2’ is being made. We are working on it”, he confirmed, during an interaction with the press regarding his upcoming release ‘Munna Michael‘. (Also Read: Radhika Apte is holidaying in Tuscany, and her beach pictures are quite refreshing)
“This time, it will have a male lead. The story is about the phobia of flying. We haven’t finalised the actor yet,” he added.
That sounds interesting, right?
‘Phobia’, which featured Radhika Apte as the lead actress, revolved around Agarophobia, a certain type of psychological anxiety disorder wherein the concerned person starts perceiving the surroundings to be unsafe and as a result, tends to limit social and daily activities.
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.