Last Friday saw actors Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt’s ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania‘ releasing in theatres and as expected, the romantic comedy met with a favourable response. Both, critics and audiences, are loving the film for its pure entertainment and the message it carries. Even, the lead star Varun Dhawan recently spoke about the film saying that it shouldn’t be seen as a time pass movie.
Talking about it to the reporters, Varun quoted, “It’s not a time pass film. It has a message in it and the best part is that people have understood the message. Critics have liked the film and even audience is liking it.” (Also Read: Wow! Varun Dhawan to don the director’s hat)
Further, Varun talked about the response the film is receiving from viewers as he never felt the film will pick up so well during the time of board exams and end of financial year.
Varun said, “But people are going and watching it and it feels very nice. I am happy that the film is doing well.”
“I will not talk about figures as for me it means (that) people are going to theatres and watching the film. I am not that concerned about Rs 100 crore or Rs 200 crore club I am here to entertain people,” added the actor.
As par statistics, ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ has collected around Rs 26.25 crore in two days at the box office.
‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’ is directed by Shashank Khaitan and produced by Karan Johar.
Quiet, resonant, and creative, he can be seen immersed in his own world, and puts in his heart and soul into the one passion that he has, Bollywood. His line for survival? Feel happy to be a part of it.