A day after Ali Abbas Zafar accused Pooja Entertainment of not paying his fees for directing Bade Miynan Chote Miyan, Vashu Bhagnani and Jackky Bhagnani have filed a complaint against him for siphoning the subsidy funds he took from Abu Dhabi authorities. As per the latest reports, the producers used the BMCM funds via a shell company in Abu Dhabi. Read on to know all the details.
Jackky Bhagnani, Vashu Bhagnani accuse Ali Abbas Zafar of misappropriation of funds
As reported by News 18, Jackky Bhagnani and Vashu Bhagnani alleged fraud of Rs 9.50 crore by Ali Abbas Zafar. The producers have accused Zafar of “coercion, criminal breach of trust, extortion, blackmailing, criminal intimidation, harassment, criminal defamation and money laundering”. The complaint further stated that Ali used the siphoned funds via a shell company in Abu Dhabi. He is likely to be summoned by the Bandra Police soon for inquiry.
Ali accused producers of withholding payments
On Sunday, September 22, a Dainik Bhaskar report revealed director Ali Abbas Zafar had filed a complaint with the Directors’ Association against Pooja Entertainment for not paying him Rs 7.30 crore to direct Bade Miyan Chote Miyan. Following the complaint, the Federation of Western Indian Cine Employees (FWICE) sent a letter to Vashu Bhagnani, seeking an explanation for the unpaid dues. However, Pooja Entertainment denied the claims and issued a statement reading, “The dues claimed do not constitute a legitimate claim and are liable to various set-offs, as informed to us by BMCM Films Ltd.” The FWICE then asked Zafar to submit proof of his claim for unpaid dues.
About BMCM
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan was produced by Pooja Entertainment’s Vashu Bhagnani and Jacckky Bhagnanu. The film – starring Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff Prithviraj Sukumaran, Manushi Chhillar, Alaya F, and Ronit Roy, was made on a budget of Rs 350 crore. However, it amassed only around Rs 102 crore at the box office.
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