Late actress Sridevi and Boney Kapoor’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor’s debut film ‘Dhadak’ has finally hit the silver screens today. To make the movie even more special, the 21-year-old has penned a heartfelt letter to her mum in which she has dedicated her debut film to her. The letter will be screened right at the beginning of the film, and will be accompanied by a picture of the mother and daughter duo.
Due to the tight schedule of her debut film, Janhvi was not able to accompany her family to a family wedding in Dubai, where her mother Sridevi tragically passed away on February 24, after accidentally drowning in her hotel bath-tub.
Janhvi had revealed that her mother Sridevi was present in Udaipur where the first scene was shot. Janhvi said that she had seen about 25 minutes of the film’s footage and her mother’s first reaction was that Janhvi’s mascara was smeared — such was Sridevi’s painstaking attention to detail.
This is not the first time that Janhvi has penned an emotional letter for her mother late actress Sridevi. The young starlet has taken to sharing her feelings about her mum — on her birthday this year. Janhvi posted a letter on Instagram, beseeching everyone to love their parents, cherish them and stay devoted to them.
A Dharma Production ‘Dhadak’ is an adaptation of hit Marathi flick ‘Sairat’ and also features Ishaan Khatter. The Shashank Khaitan directorial is receiving much love from fans.
Also Read: ‘Dhadak’ Movie Review: Ishaan-Janhvi’s love saga is full of innocence and old-school romance