Actress Janhvi Kapoor is turning a year older on March 6. The diva was spotted at the airport yesterday (March 4) and she got a surprise from the paparazzi. Ahead of her birthday, she was surprised with a delicious fruit cake by the paps. The Gunjan Saxena actress obliged to cut the cake with them and was all smiles as she cut it.
Janhvi donned a yellow co-ord set featuring a zipper cropped jacket and sweatpants and a white crop top. She carried a striped handbag along with her. When she got the surprise, she said, “So sweet of you,” and cut the cake, and even offered the photographer a bite. The photographers reminded her that she cut a cake with them a couple of years ago too, Janhvi then replied, “Nahi, main nahi bhoolti (I don’t forget).” She wore the mask as she followed the Covid-19 safety protocols. Later, she posed for pics with the paps and thanked them. Fans are lauding this sweet gesture of Janhvi.
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On the work front, Janhvi will be seen in movies like Goodluck Jerry and Mili which is said to be a remake of the Malayalam film Helen. She will also be seen in Mr & Mrs. Mahi with Rajkummar Rao. They were last seen together in Roohi.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor shines bright in a gorgeous yellow saree, Fan thinks she oozes ‘Chandni Vibes’