When it comes to fashion, actress Janhvi Kapoor always ups the glam quotient with her sartorial picks. Her Instagram is filled with some of her really stunning pics from where you can take fashion cues. She enjoys a huge fanbase on social media and everyone is hooked to her gram because of her fashion sense. Her sartorial choice always create a buzz on social media. Janhvi hardly disappoints the fashion police with her outfits and turns heads with whatever she wears-be in Indian or Western. In her latest pics, the diva is looking nothing less than a bombshell as she donned a yellow outfit. The Mili actress wore a yellow satin bodycon dress with a cut-out on one side of the waist. It is from the apparel brand, Fjolla Nila.
Janhvi opted for subtle makeup with brown eye-shadow, nude lips, mascara-laden eyes and brown kohl and sharp contour. She kept her hair open with soft waves and accessorised herself with a pair of golden earrings. The actress captioned her stunning snaps with flower emojis.
Have a look at Janhvi Kapoor’s pics here.
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The 25-year-old recently returned from her Maldives vacation. During her stay in the island nation, she treated her fans with some of the ravishing pics of her in bikinis and other sexy outfits.
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On the work front, Janhvi Kapoor was last seen in the survival thriller Mili with Sunny Kaushal. It was produced by her father, Boney Kapoor. She will be next seen in Bawaal with Varun Dhawan and Mr And Mrs Mahi with Rajkummar Rao.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor stuns in a white cut out dress as she gazes at the ‘moonlight’ during Maldives vacay