Sridevi’s darling daughter Janhvi Kapoor is all set to make her Big Bollywood debut with Karan Johar’s ‘Dhadak’. As the fate had it, Janhvi lost her mother months before the release of her debut film. Well, no one can imagine the amount of pain Janhvi must have gone through and also the void in her life. And even though today her Mom is not present to witness her film, the late actress had already fulfilled her duties and left no stone unturned to make her baby girl look gorgeous in the film.
The 21-year-old recently made her debut on Vogue India’s June cover. Janhvi looked all things-beautiful and won praises for her look. Talking to filmmaker Karan Johar, she opened up about her late mother, life after Sridevi’s death and what Sridevi told her after watching her in ‘Dhadak’.
Janhvi revealed that her mommy dearest had watched the 25 minutes of ‘Dhadak’. Talking about her reaction on the same, Janhvi recalled, “She was very technical about it. The first thing she told me was the things I needed to improve — she felt the mascara was smudged and it really bothered her. The second half has to be different, she told me… ‘You can’t wear anything on your face.’ That’s all she told me, but she was happy.” (Also Read: EXCLUSIVE: Janhvi Kapoor to not take up any project until the release of ‘Dhadak’?)
Sridevi left for heavenly abode on February 24 in a Dubai Hotel. Nevertheless, it is pleasing to read that the late actress had at least cached on few parts of her daughter’s film.
Speaking about Janhvi’s movie, it is all set to release on 20 July 2018.