Janhvi Kapoor has revealed what she spent her first pay cheque on. Janhvi, the daughter of film producer Boney Kapoor and the late actor Sridevi, made her acting debut in 2018’s Dhadak. In a new video feature as a part of a spread for a fashion brand, Janhvi Kapoor was asked about her aesthetic, and to comment on that of others. She was also asked what she spent her first pay cheque on. She said, in a video for the Peacock Magazine, “I really don’t know, I think I used to buy my tickets to travel somewhere. I think London… No, New York.” Janhvi also revealed that her ideal date night outfit is a ‘nice, well-fitted simple black dress with sneakers.’
Recently Janhvi Kapoor and her sister Khushi Kapoor celebrated their close friend Tanisha R Santoshi’s birthday and shared pictures. A picture shared by Khushi was from their childhood and featured mom Sridevi. Tanisha is the daughter of filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi. Janhvi took to Instagram Stories to share a picture from the birthday celebrations. Sharing it, Janhvi wrote in her caption: “My baby’s birthday I love you! @tanisharsantoshi.” Khushi also shared a picture on Instagram Stories and wrote in her caption: “Happy bday to my sister. I love you so so hard, like the most ever. @tanisharsantoshi.” The picture showed Janhvi, Tanisha, Khushi and Sridevi, sitting at a table, possibly from a birthday celebration. Khushi is sitting on her mom’s lap.
After appearing in Dhadak, which co-starred Ishaan Khatter and was produced by Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, Janhvi landed a starring role in Zoya Akhtar’s short film in the Netflix anthology Ghost Stories. Last year, she appeared in Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, and earlier this year, completed filming Aanand L Rai-produced Good Luck Jerry. She also has Dostana 2 in the pipeline.
Also Read: Inside Janhvi Kapoor’s Saturday night dinner with her ‘favorites’ Manish Malhotra and Khushi Kapoor