‘Mary Kom’ director Omung Kumar is all set to present his upcoming film ‘PM Narendra Modi‘, a biopic based on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s life. After unveiling several posters of the film, on March 21 the makers of this biopic released its trailer. Soon after the trailer was out, netizens called out Javed Akhtar (who often criticises PM Modi) for being a part of this project.
The veteran lyricist took to Twitter and denied writing any songs for the film. In fact, he expressed his shock over being falsely credited as the lyricist of ‘PM Narendra Modi’.
You can read his post below:
Am shocked to find my name on the poster of this film. Have not written any songs for it ! pic.twitter.com/tIeg2vMpVG
— Javed Akhtar (@Javedakhtarjadu) March 22, 2019
Another veteran lyricist Sameer Anjaan’s name too appears at the end slate of the biopic’s trailer. Interestingly even he denied being a part of this film. Sameer took to Twitter and openly denied writing any song for the biopic.
You can check his post below:
Mujhe hairat hai apana naam pm narendra Modi film me dekh karr , Maine aisi kisi film me koi gaana nahi likha hai ..
— Sameer (@SameerAnjaan) March 22, 2019
‘PM Narendra Modi’ is being produced by Sandip Ssingh, Anand Pandit and Suresh Oberoi. However, none of the makers of this biopic have issued any statements regarding the claims of Akhtar and Sameer.
The film will be released in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil on April 5, a week before the General Elections.
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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