Bollywood is set to go all out on a girls road trip film with the biggest leading ladies of Bollywood Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Katrina Kaif, and Alia Bhatt for Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa. The movie is written by Zoya Akhtar, Farhan Akhtar and Reema Kagti; produced by Reema Kagti, Zoya Akhtar, Ritesh Sidhwani & Farhan Akhtar. The Toofan actor will return to direction with Jee Le Zaraa and the fans are excited to see Priyanka, Alia and Katrina sharing screen space for the first time. Jee Le Zaraa will be releasing in 2023.
Jee Le Zaraa will be an out and out road trip film and after Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara this announcement has made the fans really excited. This will be the first time Bollywood biggest actresses will share screen space and the fans are already guessing what the plot is exactly going to be. Sharing the news on her Instagram account, Priyanka wrote in the caption, “Did someone say road trip? #JeeLeZaraa(sic)”
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Talking about the movie, Farhan told Variety, “It’s a road film, a slice-of-life film, with three women on the road.” The report also said that film is due to start shooting in Sept. 2022. Meanwhile, after The Sky Is Pink, Priyanka will be back in Bollywood and it will be quite the treat for her fans back home.
Stay tuned to this space for more updates.
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