Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas’ marriage is now done and dusted. The popular saying is that ‘pairs are made in heaven’ and this aptly applies to NickYanka. The Desi Girl had a dream wedding and all her dreams have certainly come true. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas blessed their union according to Hindu and Christian traditions.
Priyanka and Nick’s wedding has been nothing short of a fairytale and both their families have played a very important role. Both the families have wholeheartedly taken part in every procession such as sangeet, mehendi and have really enjoyed themselves.
Nick Jonas’ brother Joe Jonas has been very closely involved in the wedding ceremonies and had a special message for his brother and sister-in-law. Joe took to Instagram and welcomed his sister-in-law Priyanka with a beautiful message.
The Chopras and Jonas families have become very close. Priyanka shares a very close bond with her sister-in-law i.e. Sophie Turner. Sophie is internationally known for her series ‘Games of Thrones’. Earlier, both Joe and his fiance Sophie lambasted international outlet ‘The Cut’ for making hateful and offensive comments against PeeCee.
Nick also has become quite close to the Chopra family as he often indulges in banter with Priyanka’s cousin Parineeti Chopra. We hope that Nick and Priyanka have a awesome married life and enjoy every moment together!
Also Read: Charting Priyanka Chopra’s journey from Desi Girl to Global phenomenon
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