Bollywood hunk actor John Abraham tied the knot with his banker girlfriend Priya Runchal in a hush hush manner in Los Angeles, where the twosome had gone for vacation. On January 4 he returned home alone quoting that his wife will be joining him a month later. Now it seems Mrs Abraham will be in Mumbai,so the couple has decided to raise a toast to their togetherness with a select circle of friends.
According to sources, The party is being planned at John’s Bandra residence, which was being renovated. It is tentatively scheduled for the next weekend. “Both John and Priya are very private people and so it will just be a very small get-together with friends,” Anil Kapoor , Abbhishek Bachchan, Rohit Dhawan , Sanjay Gupta and Shoojit Sircar are some of the guests invited by the couple.
This will be the first time that John Abraham gives a party as in his long career he has never hosted a party ever.