As per reports pouring in, an FIR has been registered against actor Sharad Kapoor for allegedly misbehaving and inappropriately touching a woman. Kapoor is a Bollywood actor who has starred in films such as Shah Rukh Khan-Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Josh, Salman Khan’s Jai Ho, Hrithik Roshan‘s Lakshya and more.
As per the report, the sexual harassment case against Sharad Kapoor has been filed by a 32-year-old woman at Khar police in Mumbai. Read on to know more about the incident that compelled the woman to file an FIR.
FIR failed against Sharad Kapoor over sexual harassment claims
As reported by IANS, in the complaint, the victim revealed that she came in contact with Sharad Kapoor via Facebook and spoke to him on video call thereafter. She added that Sharad told her that he wanted to meet her to talk about a shooting. After this, he sent his location, asking her to come to his office in Khar. However, upon reaching there, she found that it was not his office but home.
After entering his house on the third floor of the building, Sharad directed the help who opened the door to being her to his bedroom. In the evening, Sharad sent her a WhatsApp message using foul language. The victim narrated the entire incident to a friend, who then approached the nearby Khar police station and lodged a complaint against the actor.
As per the report, an FIR has been registered against Sharad Kapoor under section 74 (Assault or use of criminal force against a woman), 75 (sexual harassment) and 79 (insult the modesty of any woman) of Bhartiya Nyay Sanhita.
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