Actor Ali Fazal celebrated his birthday on Saturday on the sets of his Hollywood movie, ‘Victoria & Abdul’. The actor is shooting in London with actress Judi Dench and the cast of his film had a small cake cutting ceremony organised for him on the occasion.
While Ali received gifts from his fans all over, it was Judi’s gift that totally bowled him over. Since royalty is the flavour of the season, the gifts he received too were royal. And actress Judi Dench gifted him a collector’s item of salt and pepper containers from the Victorian House. And why did she choose something so specific? There is a reason.
Also Read: Ali Fazal becomes Judi Dench’s dance teacher
While the two were shooting at the Osborne house which happens to the former house of the Royal Family, Ali had mentioned his love for Victorian style and specifically there were a set of accessories that caught his attention. And being a humble human being that Judi is, she kept this in mind and waited for the right occasion to present it to him.
Being part of the royal house, it was almost impossible to get the item, but Judi and the team managed to surprise Ali with this very special gift.