In January last year, Salman Khan had announced his film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. The actor announced that the film will be releasing on Eid 2021 however Coronavirus pandemic played a spoilsport. The latest buzz suggests that producer Sajid Nadiadwala and the superstar has now decided to release their film during the Diwali weekend in 2022. Several reports also suggest that apparently, Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali has now been renamed as Bhaijaan. The Farhad Samji directorial will star Pooja Hegde opposite Salman.
According to the Bollywood Hungama report, both Salman and Sajid are planning to bring their film out during Diwali weekend. A source was quoted saying as, “Salman Khan and Sajid Nadiadwala recently met to discuss the shooting schedule and release date of Bhaijaan and they have unanimously decided on making an attempt to bring it during the Diwali 2022 weekend. The duo is of the opinion that the script is loaded with comedy and family based emotions, making it an ideal watch for the audience during the festive season of Diwali.” However these are just tentative plans as the makers also have to take the prevalent Covid scenario into consideration.
Interestingly, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo was the last Salman Kha starrer to have a Diwali release. Salman usually treats his fans to his new films on Eid. Meanwhile, Sajid is not only producing Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali aka Bhaijaan but he has also written it. With Farhad Samji teaming with Salman for the first time, it has to be seen what new things their collaboration bring to the table. We are hoping to witness an out and out entertainer.
Also Read: Salman Khan starrer Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali to be renamed Bhaijaan?
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PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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