Veteran actor Kabir Bedi turns 70 on the 16th of This January. However, age is just a number! This has been his philosophy throughout. The actor is going to celebrate his birthday in a Bandra hotel with friends, colleagues and even school friends. We also heard a renowned Sufi singer has been invited to perform in the special evening.
There were rumours that the actor would soon tying the knot with his long-time girlfriend and live-in partner Parveen Dusanj, who’s 29 years younger than him. Kabir & Parveen have been living together for 9 years now. Earlier, Kabir was married thrice; respectively with Protima Bedi, Susan Humphreys and Nikki Bedi. After his split with Nikki in 2005, he started dating Parveen.
However, Kabir blew the rumours away saying that they were not true. “Hahaha, that’s just a rumour but I’m sure the marriage will happen one day soon,”- he laughed.
We wish the day comes soon!
Journalist. Writer. Reader. Enthu cutlet. Mood-swing machine. Day dreamer. Sandwiched between ‘live life fully’ and ‘lose some weight’. Mantra of life: Love and love more.
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