Bollywood actress Kajol will be seen depicting the role of a single mother in the upcoming release, ‘Helicopter Eela’. The Pradeep Sarkar directorial is an adaptation of Anand Gandhi’s Gujarati play, ‘Beta Kaagdo’. The story of the movie will revolve around Kajol’s relationship with her on-screen son, which is played by Bengali actor Riddhi Sen.
In an interview with IANS earlier this year, Kajol had described the film as sweet and funny.
She said, “It is a sweet and funny film. Riddhi will be seen as my son. We all are very excited about the film.”
Now, as a treat to her fans, the ‘Dilwale’ star will launch the trailer of her forthcoming film ‘Helicopter Eela’ on her birthday that falls on 5th August. The trailer will be released in the presence of her husband Ajay, who is also co-producing the film, and co-star Riddhi along with Sarkar.
‘Eela’ is being produced by Ajay Devgn’s home production company and Jayantilal Gada, and also stars Neha Dhupia and Tota Roy Chowdhary. It was earlier slated to release on September 14 but as it would have clashed with Shahid Kapoor’s ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’, the makers have preponed the date to avoid a clash. Now the movie is slated to release on September 7, 2018.
(Inputs by IANS)
Also Read: Kajol and Ajay Devgn’s project ‘Eela’ will release on this date