Bollywood actress Kajol is all set to return to the big screen in a film to be produced by her husband Ajay Devgn’s home production. Kajol is not following the current trend of women being the protagonist in contemporary films. Kajol had given up working in movies at the peak of her career as she wanted to fulfill her dream of being a mother.
According to sources, Kajol said that good script essentially makes a good movie. “The script has to be good. I don’t look whether the film is women-oriented or not because I believe everyone contributes for the film and not just one person. It is about everybody in the film. The script has to be fabulous.”
Kajol further added that, the home venture may take-off by year-end. Without disclosing anything about the movie she said, “I hope it will be both serious and entertaining. We have an idea on hand but it is too early to talk about it. When we start shooting the film then we can say a bit about it .”
We do wish that we can see more of this outstanding actress soon.