Ajay Devgn was honoured with the Best Actor Award at the 68th National Awards in Delhi. The actor won the prestigious award for his performance in the movie Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior. He shared the Best Actor award with Soorarai Pottru actor Suriya. Ajay Devgn took to his Twitter on Friday to express his gratitude after receiving the National Film Award. His wife Kajol also showered love on him.
Taking to her Instagram stories, Kajol, shared a photo of Ajay from the event and showered love and praise on him. She spoke about her husband’s achievements and said he is ‘looking good’.
The actress praised Ajay and his style as she gave a shout out to him. She wrote, “Bringing home two National Awards and looking good is difficult!”
Take a look at the post below:
Earlier on Friday, Ajay Devgn shared a video post on his Instagram and expressed his gratitude. The actor shared moments from his big day. The clip also featured two characters that Ajay played before for which he has received two national awards. Previously, the actor won the National Award for his performance in the 1998 film Zakhm and the 2002 movie The Legend Of Bhagat Singh.
Devgn shared the video and wrote, “Not counting the wins or the blessings, just feeling grateful for all of it. Most importantly, your love. I share this win with all of you (folded hands) Honoured to receive my awards from the President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu @presidentofindia @official.anuragthakur.”
Check out the post below:
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In another post, the actor shared a photo of him walking into Vigyan Bhavan. He posted the photo and wrote, “Walking into the Vigyan Bhawan for the 68th National Awards ceremony. The feeling is surreal, I’m happy & humbled.”
See the photo below:
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Meanwhile, Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior was released in January 2020 and featured Ajay in the titular role. The film directed by Om Raut also featured Kajol and Saif Ali Khan in key roles.
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