In a shocking tale of stories, Ajay Devgn has shared an audio tape of self-proclaimed critic Kamaal R Khan. The audio tape claims that the ace director Karan Johar paid KRK a bribe of Rs 25 Lakhs to report positive about the teaser of his upcoming film ‘Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’, and demean Ajay Devgn’s ‘Shivaay’ in the process. The point here is that ‘Shivaay’ and ‘ADHM’ are set to clash and hence the hullabaloo. But, this statement of KRK claiming that KJo bribed him has sent a shock wave across the industry.
In fact Kajol, Ajay Devgn’s wife and Karan Johar’s very good friend, too is shocked with this report. She sent out her reaction on Twitter and retweeted the audio tape shared by Ajay.
She tweeted,
— Kajol (@KajolAtUN) September 1, 2016
Now, the authenticity of this audio tape is yet to be proved, but this is indeed disturbing. We just hope that this does not bring about a change in the equation and relationship that Kajol and KJo share.
Also Read: Kamaal R Khan revealed Karan Johar paid him Rs. 25 lakh to talk bad about ‘Shivaay’
A strongly opinionated, free-spirited, budding Bollywood journalist, she likes to write anything in her own quirky style. When not running around to get assigned tasks completed, you will find her either painting, indulging in photography or dreaming in the la la land.