Kajol on Wednesday shared happy photos on Instagram, as she celebrated Bhai Dooj with her family. The actress took to her Instagram to give a peek into the celebrations. She mentioned she is celebrating the festival of Bhai Dooj after ‘so long’. And, Kajol shared photos from the Bhai Dooj celebrations on her Instagram stories, featuring her family.
Taking to her Instagram stories, the Salmaan Venky actress looks ecstatic as she reunited with her cousins and family. She dropped a group family photo featuring her mother Tanuja, sister Tanishaa Mukerji and her cousins. They all gathered together for a warm group hug and smiled for the cameras.
In the picture, Kajol is clicked in a yellow outfit. And, the actress is color coordinated with her mother. Her sister Tanishaa Mukerji looks classy and elegant in a saree.
Take a look at the photo below:
Sharing the posts, Kajol wrote, “#bhaiduj after so long.” She even tagged her sister Tanishaa and her cousins, Sharbani Mukerji, Samrat Mukerji, Sujoy Mukerji in the Instagram post.
The Salaam Venky actress also shared a selfie with her family. The selfie features Kajol posing with her sister Tanishaa and cousins. She was the one taking the photo.
Check out the photo below:
Earlier, on Diwali, the actress shared a string of photos, giving a peek into the Diwali celebrations in the Devgan household. She could be seen posing for pictures with her husband, Ajay Devgn, daughter Nysa and son Yug. They all flashed beautiful smiles for the photos. Ajay Devgn also shared pictures with Nysa and Yug.
Check out the post below:
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Meanwhile, on the work front, Kajol has the movie Salaam Venky, directed by Revathy, in her kitty. She was last seen in the Netflix release titled Tribhanga.