Last year, the Hindi film industry lost its first female superstar Sridevi in an unfortunate incident. The entire nation mourned her death and it has left a huge void in everyone’s life. Sridevi was supposed to star in Karan Johar’s epic drama ‘Kalank’. Post her untimely death, the makers approached Madhuri Dixit to step into the legendary actress’ role.
In the film, Madhuri will be playing Bahaar Begum – a courtesan. Today, at the teaser launch of ‘Kalank’, Madhuri opened up on replacing Sridevi in the film. Talking about being approached with the role of Bahaar Begum, Madhuri said, “It was very disheartening news (Sridevi’s death). When I was approached for this role, I was going through a lot of emotions. She is such a great actress and human being. To step into her shoes was an altogether different thing. We always missed her on the sets as she was supposed to do this role. But when you start working, you have to look beyond everything and give your best shot. I did the same but of course, we all missed her terribly.”
Madhuri is looking breathtaking in the teaser and we are sure that she is going to give a terrific performance. After watching her in the teaser, we just can’t keep calm and are eagerly looking forward to watching ‘Kalank’. The film is scheduled to hit the screens on April 17.
Also Read: ‘Kalank’ teaser: 6 things we liked about Varun Dhawan-Alia Bhatt’s epic love-saga
Cinephile. Bibliophile. Pluviophile. Selenophile. Autophile. Aesthete. Blood group- Tea positive. Poetry lover. Sucker of rom-coms.
PS: Sharmaji ki Ladki sucks at writing bios.
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