The teaser of Karan Johar’s upcoming film ‘Kalank‘ is all set to be unveiled on March 12, 2019. The cast of the period drama is also piquing the interest of the fans. They have been sharing some unseen stills of the film on their individual Instagram handles and also asking fans to be ready for the teaser that will be unveiled tomorrow.
Alia Bhatt posted a dreamy looking still from the film and asked fans to be ready for the teaser. Check out her post here:
Varun Dhawan has shared a shirtless backshot of his look as Zafar from the movie.
Sanjay Dutt has shared a still of himself looking like a proud patriarch.
Madhuri Dixit too has done the same:
Sonakshi Sinha has shared a glimpse of her character from ‘Kalank’:
So did Aditya Roy Kapur who is looking like a boy from the bygone era:
Finally, Karan Johar took to his Instagram handle and shared a number of unseen stills and even added that the teaser will be unveiled tomorrow.
‘Kalank’ marks the reunion of Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan for the fourth time after ‘Student of the Year’, ‘Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania’ and ‘Badrinath Ki Dulhania’. We will also get to see Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit together after 21 years.
The film, that is being directed by Abhishek Varman, and produced by Dharma Productions will be released on April 19, 2019.
Also Read: EXCLUSIVE – ‘Kalank’: We tell you the story and who’s paired opposite whom in the film