Actor Kamaal R Khan, who is known for his problematic views on Bollywood that he puts out on social media, is no stranger to controversies. His opinions often land him in trouble and now, the actor-critic has been arrested by Malad Police following a controversial tweet made by him in 2020. KRK was detained at the airport and was arrested post questioning.
KRK has been arrested following the complaint that was filed against him at Malad Police Station by Yuva Sena member Rahul Kanal. KRK was arrested following his questionable tweets about the late actors Irrfan and Rishi Kapoor in 2020. He had made an objectionable tweet on the late actor Rishi Kapoor being hospitalised. He will be produced today, i.e. August 30, in Borivali court at 11 pm.
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According to PTI, a look out circular had earlier been issued against him. An FIR was also registered against him in 2020 under various Indian Penal Code sections including 153 (wantonly giving provocation with intent to cause riot) and 500 (punishment for defamation), and provisions of the Information Technology Act, he said.
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The complainant Rahul Kanal made the news of the arrest official as he informed, “Kamaal R Khan has been arrested today on my complaint. I welcome this move by Mumbai police. He makes derogatory comments on social media and uses foul language. Such kind of behavior is unacceptable in society. By arresting him, Mumbai police has sent out a strong message against such people.”
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Last year, Salman Khan had also filed a defamation case against KRK after the latter made a video on his film Radhe. The complaint was filed to restrain KRK from making any comments directly or indirectly on him or any of his work. KRK has been a part of films like Deshdrohi and Ek Villain, and apart from that he is known for his controversial tweets towards Bollywood.
Also Read: Abhishek Bachchan gives a savage reply to Kamaal R Khan after he mocks Bollywood