Its celebration time in Kangana Ranaut’s house. The actress’ brother Aksht got engaged the entire household was seen enjoying the occasion. Kangana along with sister Rangoli Chandel was seen performing a traditional folk dance, pahadi Natti at their brother’s engagement party. The siblings were all smiles as they swayed to the folk song at the ceremony of their brother Aksht. A few videos from which were shared by Rangoli on her social media handle.
Kangana’s sister Rangoli took to her Twitter handle and shared a few pictures and videos from her brother’s engagement party. In the video, Kangana is seen completely engrossed in her dance and enjoying herself.
Alongside the video Rangoli wrote, “Friends who are curious about pahadi group dance form Natti, here’s a glimpse of it, elderly gentleman in a pahadi hat is our grandfather Shri Barahmchand Ranaut ex IAS officer ?(sic)”
The ‘Queen’ actress looked gorgeous in a gold saree that she paired with a light pink blouse and a choker neckpiece.
Here’s a video of Kangana’s brother Aksht dancing with his fiancée.
Chandel also shared some lovely moments from the ceremony. Alongside those family pictures, she wrote, “Some moments for my friends who asked for pictures from the event.”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kangana was last seen in ‘Judgementall Hai Kya’ alongside Rajkummar Rao. Next, she will be seen in ‘Panga’. The actress has been in Manali, preparing for her next film ‘Thalaivi’ and being the dotting sister that she is, she is also working on designing and decorating her sister’s new home.
Also Read: ‘He literally punched me on my chest’, Kangana Ranaut recalls an eve-teasing incident