In Bollywood, there are few actors who shy away from talking about their political inclinations while there are some who don’t mind sharing about their political or religious views. ‘Queen’ actress Kangana Ranaut falls in the latter group. The actress recently attended the screening of a short film ‘Chalo Jeete Hain’, which is reportedly inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s childhood.
After the screening talking about the film, Kangana told ANI, “The film has been made beautifully. It shows how Prime Minister Modi being a sensitive child went through such extreme circumstances. But I feel this film is not about him. Rather it is about us – how the society needs to be together to rise. This film is just a small part of his life.”
When asked if she would like to see PM Modi in power again, Kangana replied, “Of course. Why not? Five years are very less to take the nation out of a pit. Our country is in a pit, we need to pull it out.”
“He (Prime Minister Modi) is the most deserving candidate. It’s not like he has reached this place because of his mother and father. He is the rightful leader of the democracy. We have voted him as our Prime Minister. This cannot be taken away from him. This is his well-deserved place which he has earned after sheer hard work. So, there shouldn’t be any doubt about his credibility as a Prime Minister,” said the actress commenting on PM Modi’s government.
Just yesterday, the actress while talking to Zee had said that someday she might enter politics and would love to serve her nation when the time comes.
So did the actress just hinted about the party that she might join or lend her support to by praising PM Modi? Well, only time will tell if Kangana will actually enter politics or not.
Till then you guys stay tuned for more such interesting updates.
Also Read: Here’s why Kangana Ranaut is upset with Priyanka Chopra’s rumored engagement news
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