Kangana Ranaut is currently busy shooting for her upcoming film ‘Mental Hai Kya’ opposite Rajkummar Rao. And while she is working day in and out for the movie, there was someone special who paid a visit to the actress. Yes! That special person is Kangana’s nephew Prithvi Raj Chandel. Though the actress is not on social media, still we do get to see her heartwarming pictures with her nephew. Thanks to her sister Rangoli, who shares the same on her social media handles.
Recently, Rangoli Chandel with her son Prithvi Raj reached the sets of Kangana’s movie. Like a dotting aunt that she is, Kangana took some time off from her schedule to spend quality time with her cute nephew. And while Masi Kangana was busy adoring her bhaanja, Rangoli captured their precious moment.
Also Read: In pics: Kangana Ranaut snapped on the sets of ‘Mental Hai Kya’
Taking to her Twitter account, Rangoli wrote, ” Metal Crew!!! #mentaljuniorisonduty #maasikiddiediaries #mentalhaikya.”
Check out the picture here-
Well, we wish to see more from this adorable #MaasiKiddieDiaries! Don’t you’ll feel the same?