Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is all set to reunite with her mentor Anurag Basu. The actress was introduced to Bollywood by the filmmaker in 2005 and was then cast in his crime-drama ‘Gangster’, which also featured Emraan Hashmi and Shiney Ahuja. The actress soon bagged a number of lucrative projects.
The mentor and the protegee are once again reuniting after a long hiatus, this time it is for a love story titled ‘Imali’. The duo had last worked together in Hrithik Roshan starrer ‘Kites’.
As per a Mumbai Mirror report, Kangana, who is currently in London filming Ekta Kapoor’s ‘Mental Hai Kya’ with Rajkummar Rao, is apparently playing the protagonist whose name has a sharp tangy taste to it in this young urban love story that will be made by Anurag. (Also Read: PHOTO: Kangana Ranaut begins prepping for ‘Mental Hai Kya’ in London!)
The reports further add, “Kangana will start work on ‘Imali’ after she wraps up Ashwini Iyer Tiwary’s kabaddi drama which rolls in October. She has already started prepping for her role and will also train with national-level kabaddi players. The prep for ‘Imali’ is expected to begin by August but the film should roll only towards the year-end. The search for the male lead is on.”
This is one reunion that we are definitely looking forward to.
On the work front, Kangana Ranaut will next be seen in historical drama ‘Manikarnika: Queen of Jhansi’ depicting the titular role of Rani Lakshmi Bai. The film also stars Ankita Lokande in a lead role. The film had been delayed numerous times, making her fans more anxious for the film. She recently became the face of Vogue Wedding Show 2018. The actress looked stunning in a bridal look on the cover of the magazine.
The actress was last seen in ‘Simran’ which doomed at the box office miserably.