The much-awaited sequel to the hit comedy Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon has officially gone on floors in Mumbai. Starring Kapil Sharma in the lead role, the film promises to deliver another dose of laughter and chaos. Directed by Anukalp Goswami, the project is being produced by Ratan Jain, Ganesh Jain, and Abbas-Mustan under Venus Worldwide Entertainment in association with Abbas Mustan Film Production.
Kapil Sharma begins shooting Kis Kisko Pyaar Karoon 2
Fans are eagerly anticipating the return of Kapil Sharma’s trademark humor in this comedy caper. The film marks Kapil’s reunion with the legendary duo Abbas-Mustan, who helmed the first installment. Their collaboration had delivered a laughter riot, and fans are thrilled to see the magic unfold again. Joining the cast this time is the talented Manjot Singh, known for his impeccable comic timing. With this combination of seasoned humor and fresh energy, the sequel promises to be an even bigger entertainer.