Popular stand up comedian Kapil Sharma, is once again embroiled in a controversy. Kapil had retweeted a Modi tweet so had to face the wrath of his fans on Twitter . Looks like he has become controversy’s favourite child , from Sunil Grover’s exit from the show to being blamed for tax evasion, there have been several instances in the past where Sharma has courted controversy.
As per sources, Modi had tweeted, “The way Rahul Baba is making statements with a dash of comedy in them, I think the TV show of Kapil Sharma may soon have to shut shop.”
The moment Kapil retweeted Modi’s tweet, he was bombarded with abuses by fans on social media. In order to avoid any further damage he deleted the tweet and wrote a message for his fans on his Facebook page.
Hello friends.. It hurts when i see u people fighting on a social networking site.. Bad words.. Abusing.. Its really sad.. Its my request to all of u ..Pls dont write such bad words to each other on d name of religion.. No religion teaches us to abuse or to disrespect other religion… Please come out of all dis things..V all are human beings..I just shared mr modi’s tweet abt d show becoz u all love dis show.. I felt bad n delete that pic n tweet.. Learn to love each other.. Learn to respect each other.. Lets change this world.. So that “humare baad jo generation aye.. Unhe nafrat ka pata hi na ho. God bless this beautiful world.. Keep smiling…Love you all.”
Defending himself Sharma said that, “I just shared the picture as it was great to see that our senior leaders know about the show (Comedy Nights). The post was not political. It was simply for the show.”