The comedy king, Kapil Sharma is all set to tie the knot with his long-time girlfriend Ginni Chatrath in Jalandhar on 12th December. The couple have already kick-started their grand wedding festivities. The wedding rituals have begun on Monday with the Akhand Path ceremony at Ginni’s house.
Akhand Path is a wedding ritual followed by the Sikhs where they practice the continuous recitation of sacred religious texts in Sikhism. For the ceremony, the bride-to-be Ginni carried a heavy embroidered sharara dress which she carried with simple white dupatta. She looked ethereal while flaunting her dress beautifully. In the evening, she changed into a hot-red wedding suit for her bangle ceremony.
Kapil Sharma had announced his wedding with Ginni Chatrath on social media. The much in love couple will definitely host a big fat Punjabi wedding. Reportedly, the couple will host a Mata Ki Chowki on 10th December which is apparently being hosted by Kapil Sharma’s sister.
Looking at the social media pictures of Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath, we can definitely say that the couple will look beautiful together. We wish the couple a very happy married life ahead.
For more updates on this story, you guys stay tuned to Bollywood Bubble.
Also Read: See Pic: Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath’s wedding card is classy and regal
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